Ruth Behar received the 2018 Pura Belpré Author Award for Lucky Broken Girl !
In this unforgettable multicultural coming-of-age novel – based on the author’s childhood in the 1960s – a young Cuban-Jewish immigrant girl is adjusting to her new life in New York City when her American dream is suddenly derailed. Ruthie’s plight will intrigue readers and her powerful story of strength and resilience, full of color, light, and poignancy, will stay with them for a long time.
Ruthie Mizrahi and her family recently emigrated from Castro’s Cuba to New York City. Just when she’s finally beginning to gain confidence in her mastery of English –and enjoying her reign as her neighborhood’s hopscotch queen – a horrific car accident leaves her in a body cast and confined to her bed for a long recovery. As Ruthie’s world shrinks because of her inability to move, her powers of observation and her heart grow larger and she comes to understand how fragile life is, how vulnerable we all are as human beings, and how friends, neighbors, and the power of the arts can sweeten even the worst of times.
¡Ruth Behar recibió el premio de autor Pura Belpré 2018 por Mi buena mala suerte!
“Un libro para cualquiera que se recupere de las heridas de la infancia”.
– Sandra Cisneros, autora de La casa en Mango Street
Otros reconocimientos para Mi buena mala suerte
En esta inolvidable narrativa multicultural sobre la mayoría de edad, basada en la infancia del autor en la década de 1960, una joven inmigrante cubano-judía se está adaptando a su nueva vida en la ciudad de Nueva York cuando su sueño americano se descarrila repentinamente. La difícil situación de Ruthie intrigará a los lectores, y su poderosa historia de fuerza y resistencia, llena de color, luz y conmoción, permanecerá con ellos durante mucho tiempo.
Ruthie Mizrahi y su familia emigraron recientemente de la Cuba de Castro a la ciudad de Nueva York. Justo cuando finalmente comienza a ganar confianza en su dominio del inglés y disfruta de su reinado como la reina de la rayuela de su vecindario, un horrible accidente automovilístico la deja enyesada y la confina en su cama para una larga recuperación. A medida que el mundo de Ruthie se encoge debido a su incapacidad para moverse, su poder de observación y su corazón se hacen más grandes y llega a comprender cuán frágil es la vida, cuán vulnerables somos todos como seres humanos y cuán amigos, vecinos y el poder del las artes pueden endulzar incluso los peores momentos.
Just as Ruthie is adjusting to school and making new friends, a devastating car accident puts her in a body cast for a year. It’s a beautiful, heartbreaking, and inspiring story. I particularly loved her friendship with recent Indian immigrant, Ramu, who has to endure a terrible family tragedy as well. There are some heavy themes here, but Ruthie’s innocent, bright, and brave voice brings the reader along in a hopeful way.
-Veera Hirananandani, “The Best Children’s Books with both – Jewish and South Asian Representation“
Lucky Broken Girl takes us into a world that is at once deeply familiar and astonishingly new — the world of young people negotiating English as a Second Language, of families being forced from their homelands, of bodies learning to move (and not move), and of friendships across cultural divides. But most of all, it is the world of Ruthie, an unforgettable character who I grew to love and cheer for. So glad Behar has entered the world of young people’s literature. So grateful for her unique voice.
– Jacqueline Woodson – Author of National Book Award-winning Brown Girl Dreaming
Ruth Behar’s heartfelt story, Lucky Broken Girl, is a book that reminds us how the broken places inside can heal.
– Sandra Cisneros – Author of The House on Mango Street and recipient of the National Medal of Arts
In the shadow of tragedy and fear, little Ruthie, our lucky, broken girl, finds the light of love and optimism. Although it indeed takes a village to raise a child, her story of resilience and triumph reminds us that sometimes it takes a child like Ruthie to raise a village. An engaging and magical read for children and adults alike.
– Richard Blanco – Author of The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood and fifth inaugural poet in U.S. history
Reading Lucky Broken Girl feels like meeting a courageous new friend who will be with you forever. Ruth Behar succeeds at infusing her tale of heartbreak and suffering with a glorious celebration of forgiveness and hope.
– Margarita Engle – Author of Newbery Honor Award-winning The Surrender Tree
A powerful story of fortitude and courage that will remain in the hearts of young readers.
– Marjorie Agosin – Author of Pura Belpré Award-Winning I Lived on Butterfly Hill
Music flows through Lucky Broken Girl from the opening pages to the very end of the story. On this playlist you can hear the songs that are mentioned in the book. I also included a few extra songs that capture the spirit of the late 1960s when the story takes place. And you will find songs that honor the diversity of languages and cultures that converge in Lucky Broken Girl. My brother, Mori, a composer and musician, gave me the mp3s of the two songs we mixed together in the book trailer, so you can enjoy them too. Happy listening!